How To Gather Evidence To Support A Whiplash Injury Claim

When in doubt, use medical records. These tend to be comprehensive and accurate. They are great evidence to use, either in or out of court. Whiplash injuries tend to not appear on x-rays, MRI scans, and other diagnostic exams. So, it’s important to have evidence and the opinions of medical experts when you’re filing a claim.

You’ll need to gather written evidence and documentation of your financial and other losses. These tend to be in the form of:

• Medical bills and expenses
• Insurance co-pays and deductibles
• Mileage for travel to and from medical care
• Out-of-pocket expenses for medicines, and doctor’s visits
• Lost wages resulting from time missed from work
• Any other costs directly related to the whiplash injury

Remember that insurance adjusters need all of this to justify the money they will pay you in a claim. You also may want to provide a copy of the police report and photos from the accident scene. These will strengthen your case further.

What Do You do When Your Symptoms Don’t Show Up Right Away?

Your symptoms may be masked by rushes of endorphins and adrenaline. So, it may take a while for your symptoms to show up. Make sure to call your doctor the minute you notice any symptoms.

How Long Do You Have to Wait to Get Your Settlement?

You may get your settlement in a few days. But it’s rare to get money from the insurance company that quickly. You generally have to wait a few months to get the check. It takes longer since insurance adjusters are busy and since it takes them a while to get the documents necessary to process your claim. Sometimes, they try to stall to see if you’re desperate enough for money to accept a lower settlement or stop pursuing the claim altogether.

How Insurance Adjusters Calculate Your Settlement

Whiplash claims have two components:

The economic costs incurred. These include medical bills, lost wages, and insurance co-pays. Since they’re numbers based, the adjuster will be able to tally these up fairly quickly.

The non-economic costs incurred. Compensation for pain and suffering is a part of that. It’s hard to calculate since pain and suffering differ for people. Insurance adjusters use formulas to calculate pain and suffering. Insurance adjusters consider other factors when calculating your settlement:

• How long the recovery time will be
• How much medical care you’ll need to recover
• How your injuries affect your ability to function normally
• How credible your claim looks.

Options if Your Whiplash Claim is Denied

Ask the adjuster for a detailed and written statement explaining why your claim was denied. You can provide your own response countering the decision if you feel that the insurance company was in the wrong. You may also have to hire a personal injury lawyer in Arcadia. A good personal injury lawyer in Thousand Oaks will help you get the settlement that you deserve. He or she can also help when the insurance company tries to wrongfully deny your claim or lowball you!

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