Filing A Personal Injury Claim After An Accident With A Commercial Truck

All accidents lead to serious injuries and when a smaller vehicle is hit by a truck, the injuries can be deadly and devastating. You need to know the following if you were in an accident that involved a commercial truck and you’re filing a claim against the truck driver.

Commercial truck drivers must follow federal and state regulations when driving. You’ll have an easier time proving fault if they weren’t. Commercial truck owners are well-insured, in contrast with drivers of passenger vehicles. You can generally file a claim against more than one party in a commercial truck accident

Trucking Regulations, Operations, and Insurance

Truck drivers must follow a variety of rules and regulations with regards to:

• The amount of weight the truck transports
• Not being under the influence when driving
• Getting adequate rest between shifts
• Having the appropriate licenses and driving safely
• Keeping hazardous materials sealed during transport
• Inspecting and maintaining vehicles regularly

Note that you don’t have a claim unless the truck driver has violated one or more of the rules stated above. Your prospects of getting a higher settlement also increase when that’s the case.

Complicated When There are Many Defendants

You can file a claim against more than one party in a commercial truck accident, but it does tend to get hairy as well. The fault will be split and each party will pay his or her percentage of the fault.

Examples of Semi-Truck Settlements

Here are some examples of semi-truck settlements:

• A plaintiff was in a head on collision with a truck and suffered two broken legs. She also had many fractures and spent many months recovering. She got a $1.850,000 settlement from the trucking company.
• Someone got a $55,000 settlement after being rear-ended by a commercial truck
• Someone got a $275,000 settlement after a collision with a tractor
• A person had a leg amputated after an accident with a defective truck. The person got a $3,750,000 settlement.

These people were able to prove that the defendant was at fault. That’s how they were able to get higher settlement amounts.

What You do After a Commercial Truck Accident

Hiring a good personal injury lawyer in Brentwood is an important first step towards filing and winning a claim. The lawyer will help you with the following:

• Compensation for medical expenses
• Reimburse you for lost income
• Pay for pain and suffering

The lawyers of both sides become busy once the trial date is set. They explore all options of mediation and settlements. If that doesn’t work out well, they are busy ensuring the admission of certain evidence during the trial. They also attempt in selecting jury members supposedly for their benefit.

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