How To Prove That Drowsy Driving Caused Accident?

It is possible to make a car accident claim against a drowsy driver. However, it helps to know the issues that surround any accident that was caused by drowsy driving.

What actions could aid creation of a situation where someone was driving while fatigued?

• A driver’s failure to get enough sleep on the night before accepting the task of sitting behind a vehicle’s steering wheel.
• A driver that suffers from a sleep disorder sits behind the wheel of an automobile, or larger vehicle.
• A driver starts feeling the effects of a medication, while in control of a set-of-wheels.
• Any drivers that take to the road between the hours of midnight and 6am face an increased likelihood for encountering a fatigued motorist.

What should a motorist be prepared to deal with, when encountering a fatigued driver?

• A car that has drifted off of the roadway
• Another driver’s slow reaction time
• An inattentive motorist; one that has allowed his/her mind to drift
• Tendency among fatigued drivers to make risky moves

What elements of an accident scene could suggest that drowsy driving had been the cause?

• A single vehicle has gone off the road.
• There is only a person in the damaged set-of-wheels.
• No evidence of a driver’s evasive action(s)
• Car’s tires have drifted into another lane
• Car’s tires have drifted across a double yellow line.

In order to prove drowsy driving, have your paperwork in order

• The copy of a police report
• Copies of all medical records
• Proof of vehicle’s damaged sections
• Estimate for cost of repairs
• Proof of income
• A journal or diary

Why are those items of such value?

The police report would give the time of the accident. A motorist’s chance for meeting up with one or more fatigued drivers becomes greater between the hours of midnight and 6am.

The medical report would confirm the nature and severity of the reported injuries. The poor reaction time that results from a motorist’s insufficient sleep tends to increase the chances for a catastrophic injury. Damage caused by a drifting vehicle could point out the absence of an evasive action.

The Personal Injury Attorney In Brentwood knows that estimated cost for repairs could supplement and support the information on the nature and extent of the injuries.

Proof of income could include information on work hours. Someone assigned that was assigned to the night shift would have a greater chance for encountering one or more sleepy motorists.

A journal or diary could offer details on the frequency and duration of any painful sensations. It could also contain facts that shed a light on which of the injured victim’s actions had triggered the development of the recorded sensation. In addition, it could include a general description of the different pains.

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